يعمل فريقنا في 7 Tutorials عبر الإنترنت وجميع مقالاتنا هي جهد تعاوني. نستخدم Google Drive في الغالب لأنه بسيط ويوفر جميع ميزات التعاون التي نحتاجها. عندما أعلنت Microsoft عن (Microsoft)Office Online ، كنا متحمسين للغاية وقررنا تجربته. لقد استخدمناها للعمل معًا باستخدام Office Online وتعلمنا الكثير عن هذه الخدمة ونقاط قوتها وضعفها. لقد تعلمنا أنه على الرغم من أن Office Online يحتوي على ميزات أكثر من Google Drive ، عندما يتعلق الأمر بالتعاون السريع والفعال على المستندات ، إلا أنه لا يصلح. إليك ما يجب على Microsoft تحسينهOffice Online قبل أن نتمكن نحن والفرق الأخرى مثلنا من إجراء التبديل:
كيف نعمل بشكل تعاوني؟
نحن فريق صغير من المحررين موزعين جغرافيا. لدينا محررون في مدن مختلفة من رومانيا(Romania) ومحرر في الولايات (United) المتحدة(States) . يعمل محررونا على أجهزة متعددة بأنظمة تشغيل متنوعة ، من أي مكان يرغبون فيه. أنا شخصياً عملت على إنشاء ونشر المقالات في جميع أنواع الأماكن ، من مكتب منزلي إلى المقاهي والقطارات والطائرات وقمم الجبال التي يزيد ارتفاعها عن 2000 متر وحتى الشواطئ على شاطئ البحر. وينطبق الشيء نفسه على زملائي في 7 دروس(7 Tutorials) .
يتضمن عملنا في الغالب إنشاء مستندات Word بسيطة أو جداول ورسوم بيانية في Excel . في بعض الأحيان(Sometimes) نقوم أيضًا بإنشاء عروض تقديمية موجزة باستخدام حلول مثل PowerPoint . يتم بعد ذلك نشر مستندات Word الخاصة بنا كمقالات في 7 دروس(7 Tutorials) .
لا نحتاج إلى العديد من الميزات لتحرير المستندات لأن مستنداتنا عبارة عن منشورات مدونة بسيطة. لكننا بحاجة إلى العمل بشكل تعاوني بأسرع ما يمكن وبأسرع وقت ممكن. لقد استمتعنا باستخدام Google Drive لأنه بسيط وميزات تعاونه من الدرجة الأولى. على سبيل المثال ، يمكننا العمل معًا على نفس المستند في نفس الوقت ، والدردشة في نفس نافذة تحرير المستند ، وترك التعليقات للآخرين ، وتلقي إعلامات تلقائية عند وضع التعليقات أو حلها ، ومشاركة المستندات بسهولة فيما بيننا.
كنا مهتمين باستخدام Office Online لأنه مدمج جيدًا مع OneDrive وله بعض الميزات المثيرة للاهتمام التي لا يمتلكها Google Drive . (Google Drive)على سبيل المثال ، يعمل الدعم متعدد اللغات في Office Online بشكل أفضل من Google Drive . هذا مهم بالنسبة لنا لأننا نكتب بلغتين: الإنجليزية والرومانية. جانب آخر نحبه هو حقيقة أنه لا توجد مشكلات في التحويل عند استخدام مستنداتنا في Microsoft Office . تبدو جميع مستندات Office Online هي نفسها سواء (Office Online)عبر الإنترنت أو في وضع عدم الاتصال(online and offline) ، وهو أمر رائع.

ولكن ...(But…) بعد تجربته لأكثر من 3 أسابيع بقليل ، قررنا العودة إلى Google Drive . تابع القراءة لمعرفة السبب.
12 شيئًا تحتاج Microsoft(Microsoft Needs) إلى إصلاحها حول Office Online
في عملنا التعاوني(collaboration work) اليومي مع Office Online ، واجهنا المشكلات التالية التي لم تسمح لنا بإجراء التبديل:
You can't rename a document from the editing window. You must close it and rename it from the OneDrive documents library.
Microsoft Office

Office Online

Navigating documents with the keyboard can also be problematic. On random occasions, when we pressed the Down arrow to go to the row below, Office Online jumped two rows instead of one. The same when pressing the Up arrow - it jumped two rows up. Other times it refused to move to the next row and the cursor remained stuck in the same position, indifferent of the keys we pressed. This problem was solved only after reloading the same document a couple of times.
There is a basic feature that's missing from Office Online: you cannot drag and drop pictures into your document. You must use the ribbon, go to the Insert tab, press Picture and then manually select it. Also, you can copy and paste images into your documents which is better but still not as quick as a drag and drop.
Office Online

أيضًا ، لا يوجد خيار حفظ(Save As) باسم لحفظ الصور على جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك.
Office Online
Office Online
"Sorry, there was a problem and we can't open this document"
Microsoft Office

Office Online


After you post a comment, you cannot edit it. You have to delete it and create a new one.
When comments are posted, there are no notifications sent via e-mail, to the people collaborating on the same document. This forces people to send additional emails when working on the same document. Google Drive handles notifications very well and Office Online should provide a similar notification system.
يعرض Office Online(Office Online) إشعارات من Skype ، وفي شريط العنوان(title bar) الخاص بالمستند الذي فتحته لا يمكنك الوصول إلى Skype من نافذة تحرير المستند والرد مرة أخرى. هذا مزعج جدا

سنبذل قصارى جهدنا لمشاركة هذه المقالة مع الأشخاص في Microsoft . نأمل(Hopefully) أن يقرؤوا ذلك ويبدأوا في إصلاح المشكلات التي أثارناها. نأمل أن تتلقى خدمة Office Online عبر الإنترنت العديد من التحديثات والتحسينات. إذا تم إصلاح المشكلات التي شاركناها ، فيمكننا بسهولة التبديل إلى Office Online ، واستخدامه يوميًا ، ثم نعلمك أنت ، قرائنا ، سبب وكيفية استخدام هذه الخدمة.
قبل إغلاق هذه المقالة ، نود معرفة ما إذا كنت قد استخدمت Office Online . ماذا كانت انطباعاتك عنها؟ هل تقدم ما تحتاجه؟ وهل به اوجه قصور لا تسمح لك باستخدامه بشكل منتظم؟ كن كريمًا وشارك خبراتك من خلال نموذج التعليقات أدناه.
What Microsoft Should Fix About Office Online to Improve Its Adoption
Our team at 7 Tutorials works online and all our articles are a collaborative effort. We use mostly Google Drive because it is simple and it offers all the collaboration features we need. When Microsoft announced Office Online we were very excited and we decided to give it a try. We have used it to work together using Office Online and we've learned quite a lot about this service, its strengths and weaknesses. We have learned that while Office Online has more features than Google Drive, when it comes to quick and effective collaboration on documents, it falls short. Here's what Microsoft should improve about Office Online before we and other teams like us can make the switch:
How Do We Work Collaboratively?
We are a small team of editors, that's geographically distributed. We have editors in different cities of Romania and an editor in the United States. Our editors work on multiple devices with diverse operating systems, from anywhere they wish. Personally, I have worked on creating and publishing articles in all kinds of places, from my home's office to coffee places, trains, airplanes, mountain peaks that were more than 2000 meters high and even beaches at the seaside. The same is true of my colleagues at 7 Tutorials.
Our work involves mostly creating simple Word documents or tables and graphs in Excel. Sometimes we also create brief presentations using solutions like PowerPoint. Our Word documents are then published as articles on 7 Tutorials.
We don't need many features for editing documents because our documents are simple blog posts. But we do need to work collaboratively as easily and as fast as possible. We have enjoyed using Google Drive because it is simple and its collaboration features are top notch. For example, we can work together on the same document at the same time, chat in the same document editing window, leave comments to others, receive automatic notifications when comments are placed or solved, and easily share documents among ourselves.
We were interested in using Office Online because it is well integrated with OneDrive and it has some interesting features that Google Drive doesn't have. For example, the multilingual support in Office Online works better than in Google Drive. This is important to us because we write in two languages: English and Romanian. Another aspect we like is the fact that there are no conversion issues when using our documents in Microsoft Office. All Office Online documents look the same both online and offline, which is great.

But… after giving it a try for a bit more than 3 weeks, we have decided to switch back to Google Drive. Read on to learn why.
12 Things Microsoft Needs to Fix About Office Online
In our day-to-day collaboration work with Office Online we have encountered the following problems that did not allow us to make the switch:
You can't rename a document from the editing window. You must close it and rename it from the OneDrive documents library.
Microsoft Office

Office Online

Navigating documents with the keyboard can also be problematic. On random occasions, when we pressed the Down arrow to go to the row below, Office Online jumped two rows instead of one. The same when pressing the Up arrow - it jumped two rows up. Other times it refused to move to the next row and the cursor remained stuck in the same position, indifferent of the keys we pressed. This problem was solved only after reloading the same document a couple of times.
There is a basic feature that's missing from Office Online: you cannot drag and drop pictures into your document. You must use the ribbon, go to the Insert tab, press Picture and then manually select it. Also, you can copy and paste images into your documents which is better but still not as quick as a drag and drop.
Office Online

Also, there is no Save As option for saving images to your computer.
Office Online
Office Online
"Sorry, there was a problem and we can't open this document"
Microsoft Office

Office Online


After you post a comment, you cannot edit it. You have to delete it and create a new one.
When comments are posted, there are no notifications sent via e-mail, to the people collaborating on the same document. This forces people to send additional emails when working on the same document. Google Drive handles notifications very well and Office Online should provide a similar notification system.
Office Online shows notifications from Skype, in the title bar of the document you have opened by you cannot access Skype from the document editing window and reply back. This is very annoying.

We will do our best to share this article with folks at Microsoft. Hopefully they will read it and start fixing the issues we raised. We hope that the Office Online online service will receive many updates and improvements. If the problems we have shared are fixed then we can easily make the switch to Office Online, use it on a daily basis and then teach you, our readers why and how to use this service.
Before you close this article, we would like to know if you have used Office Online. What were your impressions of it? Does it offer what you need? Does it have any shortcomings that do not allow you to use it on a regular basis? Be generous and share your experiences through the comments form below.